Thursday, January 13, 2011
Laptops For Your Business and PC.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Investment in the Cellular Phone Market

When you want to invest, you think that your investment must be fruitful rather more fruitful. You will find that it is not surprising that the majority of retail department stores, despite whether they are small or large carry cellular phones. It is becoming increasingly easy when it comes to shopping for cellular phones regardless of whether you are looking to buy one or more. All the same, here are a few considerations you should be aware of the prior to buying wholesale cellular phones.
Because cellular phones are increasingly turning into a very significant personal accessory, the majority of us are looking for quality over quantity. Because of if you are investing in wholesale cellular phones you should make certain that you buy them from dealers that are authorized from a brand-name company so you will have a much safer investment.
For the most part you will find that wholesale cellular phones are virtually always bought for the purposes of business and if you are striving to have a successful business it is always prudent for you to invest your hard-earned money in high quality products.
Also, make certain that customer service is of high quality when you look into this type of investment since regardless of the high-quality product there could certainly be a defective piece at one point or another or some other type of trouble you may run into and you may need assistance that is dependable.
Always keep in mind that the majority of individuals who rank your customer service and business are likely to be any unsatisfied customers so it pays to minimize that element because many of those ratings will be read by any future customers that may wish to do business with you. Therefore customer satisfaction is an element you should invest in always when it comes to syndication devices.
Places to Shop for Wholesale Cellular Phones
If you are the type of person on a tight budget and depending on the kinds of cellular phones you are searching for, one of the more economical places to shop for them is on the Internet at places such as eBay, where many bargains can be found. Even so, these auction sites at various times offer items that are used so that is an additional consideration you have to be mindful of when shopping for wholesale cellular phones.
Because telephones are becoming a essential, the market is saturated with numerous kinds of phones at all different price levels and at times you will even find them free when purchased with contracts so, buying second hand wholesale cellular phones may not be the most ideal investment if you have plans on reselling them at higher prices.
Despite the fact that cellular phones will always have a high demand, educated consumers expectations are ever increasing while at the same time expecting to pay much less. Hence, while they are one of the best products to make an investment in, make certain you choose the best on the market so that your business will be supported in the best way possible. Now you can decide to invest or not .
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Business Cell Phone
(1) deduct expenses associated with purchase and use of cell phones for you and your employees for business purposes, and
(2) depreciation of the cost of cell phones. It also discusses the taxes associated with providing cell phones to employees.
Business cell phones are considered "listed property" by the IRS. As such, the IRS says that costs associated with use of such property are not deductible as business expenses unless the taxpayer has sufficient evidence to corroborate:
- The amount of the expense
- The use of the property
- The business purpose of the expense or item
- The business relationship to the taxpayer of the person(s) using the property (that is, the person must be your employee or contract worker).
The taxpayer must substantiate each element of use separately for each phone call, specifically
- The amount of "each separate expenditure with respect to an item of listed property," such as the purchase cost, and
- the amount of each business use "based on the appropriate measure and the amount of total use of the listed property for the taxable period." In other words, how much of the use was for business and how much for personal.
In addition, you must substantiate
- Time - the date of the expenditure or use of the phone, and
- Business purpose for the expenditure.
Compare Personal Use vs. Business Use - Who Pays the Tax?
Depending on the purpose of the cell phone usage, either you or the employee pays the tax.
- If you pay for the phone and the phone call is for a business use, the charge is considered by the IRS to be a "fringe benefit." As such, it is not taxable to the employee and it is deductible by you as a business expense.
- If you pay for the phone and the phone call is for a personal expense, the charge is considered personal. It is not deductible by you as a business expense and it is taxable to the employee. The IRS states specifically: "the fair market value of such usage is include able in the employee’s gross income."
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hottest Opportunities To Start a Cell Phone Business
Today the cell phone business may be looking very fruitful, but its future may not be so bright. Yet you can earn if you have determination to do something.
Mobile Marketing: With billions of mobile phones around the world with greater penetration than the PC, the potential for advertising and market is huge. Although the current spend on mobile ads is a drop in the bucket of the $500 billion dollar ad market, the upside looks good.
Mobile Phone Apps: 3rd party applications ranging from business productivity to game downloads offer a viable business opportunity. Simple apps like Ocarina allowing iPhone users a way to turn their phone into a wind instrument is a top 99 cent download.
Apple, RIM and other companies provide a third party application developers fund to fuel investment in the app development market.
Mobile Web Design: It would seem most web sites are mobile ready but mobile readiness is far from business web development radar. The challenge of fitting web pages on tiny screens for multiple devices with easy navigation is a market need for a long time coming.
Location Based Services: Cameras in the phone were a killer application but now having GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) on the mobile phones provides a host of new business opportunities.
The combination of social networking and GPS provides exciting opportunities in allowing users to update friends on one’s location and tag favorite place.
Accessorize: From fashion conscious teens to savvy soccer moms, the need to customize, personalize and bling out your cell phone is a strong market. Smartphones Experts, a network of mobile phone e-commerce stores, grew from under $500,000 in revenue to over $16 million in 3 short years.
Starting a mobile phone business is a continued market opportunity and with more consumers looking to upgrade from a cell phone to a smartphone, the future looks bright for this business.
Points To Remember
The boom in mobile phone usage expands around the globe covering all income spectrum. A cell phone is no longer an expensive business luxury or status symbol but a vital necessity for many.
Companies from all industries and markets are vying for a share of a large and ever growing mobile pie including RIM, Apple, Microsoft and Google. With a flood of large competitors, is there room to start a mobile phone business?
Big business means big investments in technology and infrastructure to further build out the business. For the small player, the opportunity to start a cell phone business exists on the fringes or niche markets.
Fueling the growth of the cell phone market is the evolution from standard cell phones to smartphones capable of more than a simple phone call.
Smartphones allow users to browser the Web, get GPS directions, listen to music, share photos and other forms of social networking, use email and run applications such as games and more.
Opening a retail cell phone store is one route to get into business. However, retail can be an expensive, competitive, low margin game. Alternative business opportunities exist for the mobile business.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Increase In Oil Prices Causes Price Hike In Every Field

On January 2nd, oil surged 3.4% to a record $99 per barrel. Yet the oil stocks seemed to ignore this driver of their profits as the flagship XOI oil-stock index lethargically hiccupped 0.2% higher. Then over the first three weeks of January, the XOI plunged 16% far outpacing the general stock-market slide. Yet oil averaged $94 on close over this entire period, an extremely profitable level for the oil producers.
To see oil stocks struggling in the face of extraordinary oil prices has really fanned fears among traders. If the oil stocks can't thrive in this environment, will they ever? And if long-term profits drive their stock prices, why are they seemingly ignoring high oil prices which will drive massive long-term profits? Do weak oil stocks betray a bearish structural problem in the world oil markets?
Thankfully nothing so dire is necessary to justify the recent XOI weakness. The XOI's seemingly deviant behavior actually makes sense when considering just how unique oil stocks are as a sector even among commodities stocks. Instead of serving one master, oil, they are constantly torn between two masters.
Oil prices hit a record high of $97 a barrel on Tuesday, but the next generation of consumers could look back on that price with envy. The dire predictions of a key report on international oil supplies released Wednesday suggest that oil prices could move irreversibly over the $100-a-barrel threshold in the not too distant future, as the global economy faces a serious energy shortage.
This gloomy assessment comes from the International Energy Agency, the Paris-based organization representing the 26 rich, gas-guzzling member nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The agency is not known for alarmist warnings, and its World Energy Outlook is typically viewed by policy wonks as a solid indicator of global energy supplies. In a marked change from its traditionally bland, measured tones, the IEA's 2007 report says governments need to make urgent, bold decisions on energy policy, or risk massive environmental and energy-supply crises within two decades — crises and shortages that could spark serious global conflicts.
The reason for the IEA's alarm is its expectation that economic development will raise global energy demands by about 50% in a generation, from today's 85 million barrels a day to about 116 million barrels a day in 2030. Nearly half that increase in demand will come from just two countries — China and India, which are electrifying hundreds of cities and putting millions of new cars on their roads, most driven by people who once walked, or rode bicycles and buses. By 2030, those two countries will be responsible for two-thirds of the world's carbon gas emissions, which are the primary human activity causing global warming.
India and China have argued against enforcing strict emission controls in their countries, on the grounds that these could hinder their economic growth and prompt a global economic slowdown. But the new IEA report says working with China and India on alternative energy sources and curbing emissions is a matter of global urgency.
The bad news is not only environmental. As the world scrambles to boost energy supplies over the next two decades, an ever-greater percentage of its supplies of oil and gas will come from a dwindling number of countries, largely arrayed around the Persian Gulf, as the massive North Sea and Gulf of Mexico deposits are finally exhausted. That will leave the industrialized countries far more dependent on the volatile Middle East in 2030 than they are today, and the likes of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran will dictate terms to companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron, which increasingly operate as contractors to state-run oil companies in many producer nations.
"Most of the oil companies are going to be in an identity crisis, and need to redefine their business strategies," Birol says. The soul-searching may have already begun, as oil executives begin sounding the alarm about the supply crunch that lies ahead. Last week, Christophe de Margerie, CEO of the French oil giant Total, told the Financial Times that even the target of 100 million barrels a day is an optimistic one for an industry that currently produces 85 million — far short of the 116 million barrels a day the IEA projects will be needed by 2030 to fuel the global economy. Now What must be done in future we have to think !