There are many features which are now added to your cell phone. 3G feature is one of them . Many people may not aware of this feature. Cellular phone companies are now beginning to develop new technologies that will help make telecommunications much easier and more appealing to a lot of its consumers. One particular advancement that these cellular phone companies have made on their cellular phones is the 3G technology.
What is 3G Technology :-
3G technology, which is short for third generation mobile telephone communication systems technology, improves the efficiency of data can be transferred through your cellular phone. The data transfer rates for third generation mobile telecommunications is up to 2 Megabits per second. Aside from this feature, 3G cellular phones also have conventional voice, fax and data services, as well as high-resolution video and multimedia services which can be used while on the move.
If you want to get more attraction then for your information it also includes mobile office services such as virtual banking and online-billing, video conferencing, online entertainment and access to the Internet.
Such mobile telephone technology would improve the way people will be able to communicate with each other, as well as develop new uses for their cellular phones. One particular advantage of using such a technology on your cellular phone would be your phone’s ability to watch television shows on your phone, and it also allows you to have video conversations with other people who also use the same 3G technology.
This makes one of the 3G phone’s most essential feature better, which is the ability for people to conduct video conferencing. However, this only makes up a very small fraction of use from the 3G phones. Other applications of the 3G technology include map and positioning services, as well as multiplayer gaming, which is more popular with the mobile phone’s younger subscribers.
The 3G technology in cellular phones can also benefit you while you are at your home with its different other applications. 3G can help you simplify everyday tasks such as shopping, wherein you can order items that you need to restock your supply at home at your local market so it would be ready for pickup once you are there, giving you the opportunity to make better use of your time.
You can also pay your bills and balance your checks by logging on to your bank account using the 3G devices that you have. You also book in advance dinner and hotel reservations in any city that you are in. Such technology also benefits you by giving you enough flexibility to function at your best in your workplace. Teleconferencing is one of the best applications for the 3G technology in your work.
Although 3G technologies offer a lot of new advancements and changes in the world of telecommunication, there are still a few things that render the use of 3G telephone communication systems technology as disadvantageous. One thing that makes 3G cellular phones disadvantageous to its users is the fact that these types of cellular phones are more expensive as compared to those which do not share the same technology. Aside from this, people who have 3G can only enjoy the video conferencing feature of the technology with other 3G subscribers.
If you are thinking about which type of phone to buy, whether 3G or not 3G phones, the important thing is that you buy the phone that has all the necessary features that you are looking for in a cellular phone. It must also be kept in mind that you must chose a mobile ovwr which your time should not be wasted and which should not be very boring too !
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