Financial management is based on the idea that companies must answer two Basic questions:
(1) What investments should the firm make? And
(2) How should it pay for those investments? The first question involves spending money, while the second involves raising it.
There are lots of theories on how that can be done, in the most effective and efficient way. And most of these theories are concerned with the financial decisions that corporations have to make.
Finding articles that focus on these situations for your research is both easy and difficult. It's easy because there are LOTS of articles, on the other hand it's hard, because many of those articles you will not be able to understand...unless you're a finance major.
Therefore, it will save a LOT of aggravation and time if you know at what level of understanding you are capable of, in other words, if you a puzzled by "Risk-neutral method of option valuation" you will not enjoy skimming through the Journal of Political Economy. There is no easy way to deal with dilemma, except go to the journals and test them for your needs.
If you are looking for personal financial information, for example, a reader friendly magazine is Money web site offers a lot of information about money: markets, stocks, funds, retirement, planning, real estate, etc.
Also, a nice little primer called: Money 101 is included where you can test your knowledge and learn more about the subject of money. There are lots of articles on the site, but although interesting and free, they are brief and not particularly academic.
Another excellent publication to keep you up with the times is: The Financial Times at: It has a broad focus in the international financial area covering: News and Analysis, Industry Surveys, and Companies (e.g. Business Europe). Areas of the world are covered in depth in different issues of the newspaper: for example: Russia 2001, which provides an Overview, Domestic Issues, Industries (case studies are shown at times), and Foreign Policy.
Another advantage is their Business Education section which provides career information, and a page called: The Works. which is News, View, and Statistics on the World of Work.
web site provides special services for students, but costs $30 per year for subscription, which includes Financial Management. It also offers other publications, at reduced prices, for example, Financial Practice and Education, The Contemporary Financial Digest, The Financial Management Forum (which has the latest information on careers in finance), and a special publication for students called: Careers in Finance which is free.
While tradition dictates that we continue to refer to the subject matter of international finance as a different subject than "domestic finance", in a real sense the modifier "international" is redundant. According to Maurice D. Levi (International Finance), with few remaining barriers to international trade and financial flows, and with important financial events impacting immediately around the globe, all finance is "international." Indeed, not only are domestic financial markets linked and internationally integrated, but the problems faced by companies and individuals in different lands are remarkably similar. Nevertheless there are special problems (e.g.rates of exchange) that arise from economic relations between nations.
Probably a good place to start looking for perspective on international sources of financial information, besides the sites above .The articles are free, analytical and useful for academic research.
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