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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Alternate Fuel For Your Future Cars

An alternative fuel vehicle is a vehicle that runs on alternative fuels.
So, what is an alternative fuel?

"Alternative fuels" are vehicle fuels that aren't made from petroleum. There are many kinds of fuels that vehicles can run on that aren't made from petroleum. The United States Department of Energy officially recognizes this list of alternative fuels:

  • Alcohols - ethanol and methanol.
  • Compressed natural gas (CNG) - natural gas under high pressure.
  • Electricity - stored in batteries.
  • Hydrogen - a very special type of gas.
  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG) - natural gas that is very, very cold.
  • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (also called propane) - hydrocarbon gases under low pressure.
  • Liquids made from coal - gasoline and diesel fuel that doesn't come from petroleum.
  • Biodiesel - a lot like diesel fuel, but made from plant oil or animal fat.

Almost all of the fuel we use for transportation is made from petroleum. Gasoline and diesel fuel account for all but about one-fourth of one percent of California's transportation fuel. Most California gasoline does contain a small amount of ethyl alcohol (also called ethanol), which increases the oxygen content of the gasoline for cleaner burning.

The fact that California is nearly 100 percent dependent on petroleum for transportation could cause a serious problem, like it did in 1973 and 1979 when the gas supply was limited and the prices went up.

  • California's dependence on petroleum makes us vulnerable to price and supply disruptions.

  • Air quality concerns have increased the importance of alternative fuels and advanced transportation technologies like electric vehicles.

  • By increasing alternative fuel use, such as natural gas and electricity, consumers have fuel choices that compete with gasoline and diesel, broaden our supply base, and have lower environmental impacts.

Natural gas is the basic energy source for some of the alternatives to petroleum. On one hand, this is good because most of the natural gas we use comes from friendly North American countries, if not the United States itself. And at the present, there seems to be a plentiful supply of natural gas. So, the supply of natural gas is relatively stable and reliable. On the other hand, natural gas is a non-renewable fossil fuel, just like petroleum and coal, and so, it too will some day be used up if people continue to use a lot of it.
Bio diesel:
Bio diesel is not regular vegetable oil and is not safe to swallow. Bio diesel is biodegradable though, so it is much less harmful to the environment if spilled. Bio diesel is made through a process called transesterification. This process makes vegetable oil and animal fat into esterified oil, which can be used as diesel fuel, or mixed with regular diesel fuel.

Ordinary diesel engines can run on bio diesel. Practically any type of vegetable oil or animal fat can be used to make bio diesel. But the most popular types of vegetable oils are soybean and rapeseed oil. Soybeans are used to make tofu and soy sauce. Soybean and rapeseed oil have been tried as bio diesel because they are less expensive than most other types of vegetable oil. Although soybean and rapeseed oil are more expensive than regular diesel fuel, most other types of vegetable oils are too expensive to even be considered for use as diesel fuel. Animal fat also is too expensive for this use, but used oil from restaurants has been tried for bio diesel. We have to work for our future otherwise our future may be very dark.

Bio diesel has been shown to produce lower tailpipe emissions than regular diesel fuel. The best thing about bio diesel is that it is made from plants and animals, which are renewable resources.

Drinking Water Business and Oil Companies

Today Drinking water is becoming scarce day by day . Even water from certain areas is vanishing due to wastage of water. Some oil and gas companies are starting to consider testing water wells before they drill oil and natural gas wells. This stems from the debate about whether hydraulic fracturing threatens the safety of drinking water.

Cabot Oil and Gas Corp. faced water-contamination questions in Pennsylvania while Range Resources Corp. faced similar questions regarding its Barnett shale operations in Texas. The accusations have caused some within the oil and gas industry to question the quality of drinking water before any oil and gas drilling was done.

Meanwhile, Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael L. Williams on Dec. 7 accused the US Environmental Protection Agency of “Washington politics of the worst kind” and of “grandstanding in an effort to interject the federal government into Texas business.”

Williams made his comments after the EPA suggested that gas operations by Range Resources contaminated two water wells in southwest Parker County, Tex., where gas was found in the water. Range Resources issued a Dec. 8 news release saying research indicates its operations did not cause any methane in the water wells.

For months, Range Resources worked with the RRC and others on extensive testing of both its gas wells and the water wells of concern.

Cabot Oil and Gas said in an Oct. 19 release that it has proof that methane gas has been present in water wells around the Dimock Township, Pa., area for generations. Four Dimock-area water wells have methane levels in the water that exceeds levels suggested by the US Department of the Interior.

“We do not believe that our operations caused the Dimock water-quality issues,” a Cabot spokesman said.

All of this is causing oil and gas companies to consider testing the water before they drill.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Make Money Faster Than Before

Like other people you may be looking for the ways to make faster money online, but the lack of knowledge comes in their wayAre you searching for ways to make money online? There are many ways you can earn extra money or a full time living and it does not require you to have an Internet business until you are ready. Often, people lose out on making extra money via the Internet for lack of knowledge. Let's face it, you might have a beautiful brand new car, but if you do not know how to drive it, then the car does not do you much good. Think of the Internet like this car, you can make money, but you have to know how to use it.

First of all, make sure you do not fall into a trap of giving money to a company in order to make money, because this is often the first sign of a scam. Therefore, make sure you are dealing with legitimate companies because this will ensure you make money in a faster way. Remember, when you do work for someone they are paying you, you do not pay them.

One of the best ways to make money fast and you do not need an Internet business is a garage sale. You can advertise online for your garage sale and many times it is free of charge. This is great way to get fast money and clear out your clutter in your home and garage, therefore, it is a win-win situation! So you can use it very easily.
Do you need a new checking account? Many banks will offer you $25 or more to open an online checking account. They place the money directly in you account. It is a totally free way to make
money and you get a checking account out of the deal. That's not bad money for 15 minutes of your time, which is about what it takes to complete the application on the bank's website.

Do you know how to make backgrounds for Myspace or Twitter? They are very popular and people pay money for professional looking backgrounds. It is also a way for you to show your graphics and talent if you want to do graphic art on the side. You can make money and if you are good at it, you can begin an Internet business in order to get private clients and really make good money full time.

Finally, if you are good with graphics, you can also make money by creating logos for other. People use logos for their businesses and they are always looking for freelancers that charge a reasonable fee. You can make a lot of money if you are good, charge a reasonable fee, and have a quick turn around time.

Lastly, you can explore other ways to make money and build an Internet business for no out of pocket money on your part, unless you have your website designed by someone else. It is easy to earn a full time living online or make
extra money when you know what people want and use your talents. There are certain other methods by applying which you may make money faster.

Business Marketing on the Internet

Every one wants to promote his business . Having a presence on the Internet is an essential part of most business models today. However, this alone is not enough. A sound step-by-step marketing plan is needed to attract visitors to your website and convert these visitors into customers. This article will offer some suggestions on different ways that you can market your business using the Internet to increase your business’s chances of success in the highly competitive 21st century marketplace

Although having sound Web Design for your website is important, there are more actions needed to drive prospects to your online presence.
There are many ways like ,
1. Email marketing
2. Blogging
3.Social Media,
4. Search Engine Marketing ,
1. Email marketing:
You will want to utilize Email Marketing in your marketing plan. One possibility that you might want to consider is starting a newsletter. A monthly newsletter can become something your customer looks forward to receiving and will aid in building customer loyalty. This is a great way to keep your brand name in the mind of your customers.
2. Blogging:
Although the Internet is littered with a myriad of blogs, it’s advisable for many business to have one. It is another way for you to keep in touch with business prospects and existing customers. You can post a newsletter and then allow people to comment on it, and linking your blog to your website can be a great way to increase the amount of web traffic to your core business site.

3.Social Media:
Additionally, it is possible to build revenue through affiliate programs. In these affiliate programs, if a prospect is not interested in your offering they can click on a link (on your site) to a related product offered by another company (on another site). If the customer that linked from your site ends up purchasing that product on the affiliate’s site, then you make a commission.

You also should be engaging in Social Media Marketing. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter present a new and exciting way to market your business. In the current marketplace, it is vital

that you actively connect with your future buyers, and social networking sites such as those previously mentioned provide a great platform to do just that. Millions of people use these sites daily, so you should be doing everything you can to connect with these millions of potential customers.
4. Search Engine Marketing:
Finally, you must have a commanding presence with the major search engines. Your buyers need to be able to find you, and they need to be able to find you fast! User attention span on the Internet is very short. Do not underestimate the power of a good search engine ranking. The goal you should strive for is to have your site place above the fold in the search engine results for your selected key words.

One can promote his business by the above mentioned ways. There may be more than that.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fashion in Business

Fashion is a big business. It touches almost all communities of the World. Each year, as the fashion shows reach their climax and their finale in Paris, we hear the cry of how good the British designers were, how fertile their ideas, how exciting their young talent. Absolutely right. Thanks partly to the art colleges and partly to the multicultural flowering of the country, Britain is peculiarly fecund in its design imagination. John Galliano showed for Dior yesterday; Vivienne Westwood follows after.

If one has a good imagination skills then he or she can start a good fashion business. But it may also run a great risk . Ideas must be unique if you want to survive in a fashion world. in addition you must take care of it that which category you are going to touch.

But it is worth remembering that for the French, fashion is "faire le business". Ideas make a splash but it takes devotion to the hard graft of fabric, detail, cutting and sourcing to make a business. Fashion remains an industry supporting thousands of small specialist businesses supplying everything from buttons to lace. In Britain that infrastructure is dying as the stores source from cheaper suppliers in Asia and the designers content themselves with one-off shows.
The importance of fabric , details and cutting cant be denied. One must do a grand survey before bringing forward his masterpiece.

Kuwait and Business opportunities and America

U.S. sells its products to Kuwait. Kuwait imports a wide variety of U.S. military, industrial and consumer products. Kuwait is the fifth largest market for U.S. exports in the Middle East and North Africa. The U.S. is Kuwait's largest trading partner. Kuwait has to produce export quality products.

Leading military imports in the past three years have included aircraft and parts, air defense systems, radar and tanks. Leading industrial imports include oilfield equipment! parts, aircraft parts and generators. Leading consumer imports include passenger vehicles and trucks. Other significant imports include: air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, carpeting, cigarettes, computers, construction equipment, fire fighting equipment, fishing boats, hardware, housewares, medical equipment, office furniture, pleasure boats/yachts, process controls, processed foods, telecommunications equipment and water treatment equipment.

The Commercial Environment

Kuwait is a highly price-competitive market because it has low tariffs (generally only 4 percent), few import barriers and no exchange controls. Procurement for large public sector projects dominates the business scene; there is almost no manufacturing and little non-oil exporting. American firms generally need to work through a local agent or distributor, and should monitor an agent's performance and potential conflicts of interest. American business negotiators find that Kuwaiti buyers have a strong bias in favor of the lowest price, despite a higher priced product's technical advantages or long-term savings.

Kuwait has a lot of business opportunities but a new business man has to think before investment. There are many importers in Kuwait who are striving to produce excellent products. Kuwaitis are interested in American products and business proposals because of ongoing goodwill toward the U.S. as a result of the Gulf War, local media coverage of American news and popular culture, and because large numbers of Kuwaitis have studied in the U.S. or travel there regularly for business or family vacations. Kuwaitis appreciate American products' high quality and association with a convenient, comfortable, modern, affluent lifestyle.

Kuwaitis readily buy American products that are competitive in price and quality. If an importer comes in Kuwait then he has to think about that he is going to compete those importers who are already working there. A lot of home work is required to do business there.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thin-film Solar Cells shall Give a Boost To Your Business

Today power is a big requirement in every field of life , especially when you are a business person and you need it for the production or other purposes. The solar panel is an enduring icon of the quest for renewable energy. You'll see the black-paned rectangles on the rooftops of houses or assembled into arrays across fields and prairies. But the panel as we have come to know it -- 5.5 feet by 2.75 feet by 2 inches (1.7 m by 0.8 m by 5 cm) -- may be history. That's because a new type of technology stands ready to take its rightful place next to traditional silicon wafer-based panels as an efficient, cost-effective way to convert sunlight into electricity.

Beyond 2010, production capacity will increase even more as thin-film PV cells find their way into solar-powered commercial buildings and homes, from California to Kenya to China.

Other than their flexibility, how do thin-film solar cells compare to traditional solar cells? Why are they more cost efficient? And are they the kind of energy source that will make solar power a truly viable alternative to coal and nuclear power?

What is a Thin-film Solar Cell?

If you've used a solar-powered calculator, you've seen a solar cell based on thin-film technology. Clearly, the small cell in a calculator is not big and bulky. Most are about an inch (2.5 cm) long, a quarter-inch (0.6 cm) wide and wafer-thin. The thinness of the cell is the defining characteristic of the technology. Unlike silicon-wafer cells, which have light-absorbing layers that are traditionally 350 microns thick, thin-film solar cells have light-absorbing layers that are just one micron thick. A micron, for reference, is one-millionth of a meter (1/1,000,000 m or 1 µm).

Thin-film solar cell manufacturers begin building their solar cells by depositing several layers of a light-absorbing material, a semiconductor onto a substrate -- coated glass, metal or plastic. The materials used as semiconductors don't have to be thick because they absorb energy from the sun very efficiently. As a result, thin-film solar cells are lightweight, durable and easy to use.

There are three main types of thin-film solar cells, depending on the type of semiconductor used: amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper indium gallium deselenide (CIGS). Amorphous silicon is basically a trimmed-down version of the traditional silicon-wafer cell. As such, a-Si is well understood and is commonly used in solar-powered electronics. It does, however, have some drawbacks.

One of the biggest problems with a-Si solar cells is the material used for its semiconductor. Silicon is not always easy to find on the market, where demand often exceeds supply. But the a-Si cells themselves are not particularly efficient. They suffer significant degradation in power output when they're exposed to the sun. Thinner a-Si cells overcome this problem, but thinner layers also absorb sunlight less efficiently. Taken together, these qualities make a-Si cells great for smaller-scale applications, such as calculators, but less than ideal for larger-scale applications, such as solar-powered buildings.

Promising advances in non-silicon thin-film PV technologies are beginning to overcome the issues associated with amorphous silicon.

Structure of Thin-film Solar Cells

Because structure and function are so closely linked with solar cells, let's take a moment to review how they work. The basic science behind thin-film solar cells is the same as traditional silicon-wafer cells.

Photovoltaic cells rely on substances known as semiconductors. Semiconductors are insulators in their pure form, but are able to conduct electricity when heated or combined with other materials. A semiconductor mixed, or "doped," with phosphorous develops an excess of free electrons. This is known as an n-type semiconductor. A semiconductor doped with other materials, such as boron, develops an excess of "holes," spaces that accept electrons. This is known as a p-type semiconductor.

A PV cell joins n-type and p-type materials, with a layer in between known as a junction. Even in the absence of light, a small number of electrons move across the junction from the n-type to the p-type semiconductor, producing a small voltage. In the presence of light, photons dislodge a large number of electrons, which flow across the junction to create a current. This current can be used to power electrical devices, from light bulbs to cell phone chargers.

Traditional solar cells use silicon in the n-type and p-type layers. The newest generation of thin-film solar cells uses thin layers of either cadmium telluride (CdTe) or copper indium gallium deselenide (CIGS) instead. One company, Nanosolar, based in San Jose, Calif., has developed a way to make the CIGS material as an ink containing nanoparticles. A nanoparticle is a particle with at least one dimension less than 100 nanometers (one-billionth of a meter, or 1/1,000,000,000 m). Existing as nanoparticles, the four elements self-assemble in a uniform distribution, ensuring that the atomic ratio of the elements is always correct.

The layers that make up the two non-silicon thin film solar cells are shown below. Notice that there are two basic configurations of the CIGS solar cell. The CIGS-on-glass cell requires a layer of molybdenum to create an effective electrode. This extra layer isn't necessary in the CIGS-on-foil cell because the metal foil acts as the electrode. A layer of zinc oxide (ZnO) plays the role of the other electrode in the CIGS cell. Sandwiched in between are two more layers -- the semiconductor material and cadmium sulfide (CdS). These two layers act as the n-type and p-type materials, which are necessary to create a current of electrons.

If with the help of this our power crises can be resolved then you may have a boost to your business.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Working of Solar Energy , It is Essential For Business

All of us may be aware of this that the resources from the earth are running out very rapidly . So to run our life and other businesses we have to think very seriously.

How Solar Cells Work

You've probably seen calculators that have solar cells -- calculators that never need batteries, and in some cases don't even have an off button. As long as you have enough light, they seem to work forever. You may have seen larger solar panels -- on emergency road signs or call boxes, on buoys, even in parking lots to power lights. Although these larger panels aren't as common as solar powered calculators, they're out there, and not that hard to spot if you know where to look. There are solar cell arrays on satellites, where they are used to power the electrical systems.

You have probably also been hearing about the "solar revolution" for the last 20 years -- the idea that one day we will all use free electricity from the sun. This is a seductive promise: On a bright, sunny day, the sun shines approximately 1,000 watts of energy per square meter of the planet's surface, and if we could collect all of that energy we could easily power our homes and offices for free.

Converting Photons to Electrons

The solar cells that you see on calculators and satellites are photovoltaic cells or modules (modules are simply a group of cells electrically connected and packaged in one frame). Photovoltaics, as the word implies (photo = light, voltaic = electricity), convert sunlight directly into electricity. Once used almost exclusively in space, photovoltaics are used more and more in less exotic ways. They could even power your house. How do these devices work?

Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as silicon, which is currently the most commonly used. Basically, when light strikes the cell, a certain portion of it is absorbed within the semiconductor material. This means that the energy of the absorbed light is transferred to the semiconductor. The energy knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely. PV cells also all have one or more electric fields that act to force electrons freed by light absorption to flow in a certain direction. This flow of electrons is a current, and by placing metal contacts on the top and bottom of the PV cell, we can draw that current off to use externally. For example, the current can power a calculator. This current, together with the cell's voltage (which is a result of its built-in electric field or fields), defines the power (or wattage) that the solar cell can produce.

That's the basic process, but there's really much more to it. Let's take a deeper look into one example of a PV cell: the single crystal silicon cell.


Silicon has some special chemical properties, especially in its crystalline form. An atom of silicon has 14 electrons, arranged in three different shells. The first two shells, those closest to the center, are completely full. The outer shell, however, is only half full, having only four electrons. A silicon atom will always look for ways to fill up its last shell (which would like to have eight electrons). To do this, it will share electrons with four of its neighbor silicon atoms. It's like every atom holds hands with its neighbors, except that in this case, each atom has four hands joined to four neighbors. That's what forms the crystalline structure, and that structure turns out to be important to this type of PV cell.

We've now described pure, crystalline silicon. Pure silicon is a poor conductor of electricity because none of its electrons are free to move about, as electrons are in good conductors such as copper. Instead, the electrons are all locked in the crystalline structure. The silicon in a solar cell is modified slightly so that it will work as a solar cell.

Silicon in Solar Cells

A solar cell has silicon with impurities -- other atoms mixed in with the silicon atoms, changing the way things work a bit. We usually think of impurities as something undesirable, but in our case, our cell wouldn't work without them. These impurities are actually put there on purpose. Consider silicon with an atom of phosphorous here and there, maybe one for every million silicon atoms. Phosphorous has five electrons in its outer shell, not four. It still bonds with its silicon neighbor atoms, but in a sense, the phosphorous has one electron that doesn't have anyone to hold hands with. It doesn't form part of a bond, but there is a positive proton in the phosphorous nucleus holding it in place.

When energy is added to pure silicon, for example in the form of heat, it can cause a few electrons to break free of their bonds and leave their atoms. A hole is left behind in each case. These electrons then wander randomly around the crystalline lattice looking for another hole to fall into. These electrons are called free carriers, and can carry electrical current. There are so few of them in pure silicon, however, that they aren't very useful. Our impure silicon with phosphorous atoms mixed in is a different story. It turns out that it takes a lot less energy to knock loose one of our "extra" phosphorous electrons because they aren't tied up in a bond -- their neighbors aren't holding them back. As a result, most of these electrons do break free, and we have a lot more free carriers than we would have in pure silicon. The process of adding impurities on purpose is called doping, and when doped with phosphorous, the resulting silicon is called N-type ("n" for negative) because of the prevalence of free electrons. N-type doped silicon is a much better conductor than pure silicon is.

Actually, only part of our solar cell is N-type. The other part is doped with boron, which has only three electrons in its outer shell instead of four, to become P-type silicon. Instead of having free electrons, P-type silicon ("p" for positive) has free holes. Holes really are just the absence of electrons, so they carry the opposite (positive) charge. They move around just like electrons do.

So where has all this gotten us?

N-type Plus P-type Silicon

The interesting part starts when you put N-type silicon together with P-type silicon. Remember that every PV cell has at least one electric field. Without an electric field, the cell wouldn't work, and this field forms when the N-type and P-type silicon are in contact. Suddenly, the free electrons in the N side, which have been looking all over for holes to fall into, see all the free holes on the P side, and there's a mad rush to fill them in.

Before now, our silicon was all electrically neutral. Our extra electrons were balanced out by the extra protons in the phosphorous. Our missing electrons (holes) were balanced out by the missing protons in the boron. When the holes and electrons mix at the junction between N-type and P-type silicon, however, that neutrality is disrupted. Do all the free electrons fill all the free holes? No. If they did, then the whole arrangement wouldn't be very useful. Right at the junction, however, they do mix and form a barrier, making it harder and harder for electrons on the N side to cross to the P side. Eventually, equilibrium is reached, and we have an electric field separating the two sides

cell cell

Future of The Solar Energy and Silicone

Opening of an anganwadi (daycare center) in the Indian village of Karde that features a 28-panel solar power system. This system generates enough electricity for cooling fans and proper lighting for the Anganwadi and an adjacent school that previously had no power. In addition, Dow Corning arranged to have five solar powered street lights installed to make the village safer for students and residents.
n the discussions about solar energy, it’s too easy to forget that what we are really talking about is changing people’s lives. Education, safety – that’s what the solar story is about in the village of Karde,” . Dow Corning’s region president for India, South Asia, Middle East and Africa. “The solar power system will provide free, clean solar energy and create an environment far more conducive to learning. We can help these students reach their full potential in the classroom; we can help them create a brighter future.” Approximately 45 children will attend the Anganwadi; more than 100 students attend the school.
Still we have to improve it. This energy must be used to safe our future.

Tata BP Solar, a local manufacturer of solar systems and a Dow Corning customer, manufactured and installed the system. The solar panels contain silicon-based materials developed and manufactured by Dow Corning.

“This is a great example of the power of silicone chemistry to enhance lives around the world,” said Eric Peeters, Dow Corning’s global executive director for the solar market business unit. “Silicon-based materials play a key role in producing solar devices that perform well for decades, even with exposure to extreme conditions. For the children of Karde, that means a better chance to fulfill their dreams - having electricity in the classroom and daycare center and safer streets for years to come.”

One of the only companies in the world able to provide silicon-based solutions throughout the entire photovoltaic value chain, Dow Corning is investing to expand its portfolio of total solution packages for solar cell manufacturing, module assembly and installation. Solution packages are built on high-performance silicone products such as encapsulants, adhesives, coatings, potting agents and sealants, as well as next-generation solar grade silicon.

The company’s long-term commitment to sustainability and to providing solutions along the entire solar value chain is demonstrated by the more than $5 billion in investments it has announced over the past five years. Those investments include working to expand polycrystalline silicon capacity by 90 percent within the next four years; construction of its first facility to produce high purity monosilanes – the key raw material used in the production of thin-film solar cells and liquid crystal displays; and the opening of a Solar Solutions Application Center in Michigan and announcement of a second center in Korea at which it works with customers to develop, evaluate, and pilot materials and solutions used to manufacture solar panels.

About the Anganwadis
A Company has been working closely with villages around the company’s manufacturing facility in Ranjangaon, Pune to construct anganwadis. Local government bodies will run the anganwadi, which provide mothers, infants and children of up to age six with education, nutrition and healthcare.

How to Start a Business in Kuwait, The Challenges

there was a time when many people went Kuwait for business purposes. Conducting business in Kuwait today is not as easy as many think or assume. It is not mission impossible for those who can draw up a plan and make objectives clear and easy to implement. Of course, any theory which you cannot implement is wasteful. So, for those who follow a clear-cut strategy and a vision about what is really going on in the local market and how to achieve their aims, yes, businesses would be easy.

Old Business Owners:Two main thoughts here, first, that these are old business owners. They have been present in the local market for ages. They know how to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground. They know when to move and how to and where. Secondly, it is a fact that Kuwaiti society is small and there is a code that makes everything happen. For instance, if you do not follow the rules and try to fool someone, this marks the end of your reputation as decent business owners. Companies that good will not accept to cond
uct business with you.

As far a new company is concerned , there may be many difficulties to overcome. I believe that any new company needs to prepare its homework well and study their objectives in the local market before establishing businesses and starting usual procedures by renting offices and hiring staff to avoid major challenges. These are the usual concerns to expand business. Maybe hiring a consultant or a financial adviser would not be a bad idea to avoid making extra payment.

Also, a huge difference exists between small and big companies in term of size. Financial capability as well as the power of influence wielded by competitors and decision makers wil be able to expedite the process itself. Many think it is slow in Kuwait when compared to many other countries in the region. This tool can be easily used to affect others negatively and create non-existent fears.
Local Rules:
Another issue is the possible problems that arise from government regulations and local rules. This is an issue that should not be undermined or ignored. For example, every foreign investor here requires a local Kuwaiti sponsor. The laws cannot be circumvented.

Governmental Rules are a challenge when it comes to establishing a business. So, understanding the local system is a challenge. When you get to understand its needs and how it works, everything runs smoothly.

The Product Quality;There is another subject matter here, that is the product quality. It is the unspoken challenge. In fact, to import a high quality product is great but not easy. However, meeting international standards are possible. It requires commitment to supply a product that exceeds expectations.

As no fierce competition exists, enforcement of laws and country regulations are needed to keep everything under control and supervised. This is to avoid fraudulence and cheating . One must be very very careful and vigilante while starting a business in Kuwait.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Do You Want Online Insurance.

Insurance is a verey attractive term for those who know it. Once the insurance salesman visited you, then you visited his office. Now you pick up your phone or click your mouse. Does the Internet herald the end of the high street insurance broker in Britain? When I was a lad, some 25 years ago, the Insurance Company called to your door every month to collect your life insurance premium. My recollection is of a drab suited man having to run the gauntlet of neighbourhood dogs rather like the postman.

People may deposit money hastily. Then through the eighties more and more people found their wages being deposited directly into hastily set up bank accounts; this led to the standing order for paying all sorts of regular bills including insurances and heralded the demise of the door to door representative. An economy quickly realised by big insurance companies in the UK.

Then during the nineties big firms latched on to the idea of “direct” which is a handy abbreviation for cutting out the middle man. Just watch tv or listen to the radio toady and you are sure to observe this direct and that direct. The purpose of this in the world of insurance is to cut out the traditional high street broker and the percentage paid to them wherever possible.

The advent of the Internet and its increasing usage in most homes up and down Britain has accelerated the “direct” phenomenon. The big boys have quickly realised that websites are cheap to build and in addition there is a small army of privately owned websites on the World Wild Web that are more than happy to promote their insurance products for a commission – this commission usually being a lot less than a typical shop front broker is currently paid.

This all sounds very good………for the PLC that is. From the consumer’s point of view the casualty in all this is usually the level and quality of service. It’s fine when you are arranging your policy on the phone or on the net and you can even have the privilege of paying there and then by credit card. What will the “direct” experience be like when it comes to making ac claim? Just how “direct” is a call-centre located in India? While you the consumer are no doubt seeing some of the savings by skipping the broker don’t think for one minute that all the savings are being passed on.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sanctions from US costing Iran investment, banking

There are many situations which may adversely effect the business of certain countries. Iran is finding it increasingly difficult to access the financial services it needs to run its economy and may lose up to $60 billion in energy investments due to global sanctions, US officials said Wednesday.

The officials told US lawmakers that United Nations-backed sanctions imposed over the summer are inflicting economic pain on Tehran and hampering its drive to develop nuclear weapons.

“With great regularity, major companies are announcing that they have curtailed or completely pulled out of business dealings with Iran,” Stuart Levey, US Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, told the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs. There are some more conditions.

“And, as has been widely reported, Iran’s leadership appears to have underestimated the severity and effects of the global financial measures, giving rise to internal Iranian criticism and finger-pointing,” Levey added.

Levey said the sanctions were restricting Iran’s access to dollars and were the likely cause of a nearly 20 percent plunge in Iran’s rial currency in September, prompting weeks of intervention from Iran’s central bank to stabilize it.

A UN Security Council resolution calling for increased sanctions to curb Iran’s nuclear and missile activities paved the way for tougher US and European Union measures to cut off financial services and energy sector investment from Iran.

Undersecretary of State William Burns told the panel Iran may lose $50 billion to $60 billion in potential energy investments, along with critical technology and know-how from major international companies.

“Sanctions have hindered Iran’s development of a nuclear weapons capability and the means to deliver them, while making it harder for Iran to continue its destabilizing activities in the region,” he added in prepared remarks.

Seventeen Iranian banks are now blacklisted by most major financial centers and the United States has passed a law that effectively forces international financial institutions to choose between doing business with Iran or the US.

A few years ago, Iran was able to deal with the world’s largest and most prestigious banks, Levey said, but now it is “relegated to the margins of the international financial system, and is finding it increasingly difficult to access the large-scale, sophisticated financial services necessary to run a modern economy efficiently.”

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cell Phones May Cause Brain Cancer

Today cell phones have become a part and parcel of our daily life. A report issued by the International Electromagnetic Field Collaborative and endorsed by 43 scientists from 13 countries has reviewed the evidence linking cell phone use to brain tumors, and refuting the methodology of a forthcoming industry-funded study expected to give the phones a clean bill of health.

"I fear we will see a tsunami of brain tumors, although it is too early to see that now since the tumors have a 30-year latency," study author Lloyd Morgan said. "I pray I'm wrong, but brace yourself."

Among the research cited in the study was a recent study by a Swedish team of scientists that found a 420 percent higher risk of brain cancer among people who had started using cellular or cordless phones as teenagers. Older analog phones, which are now mostly off the market, had been found to increase cancer risk by 700 percent.

Because children are especially vulnerable to radiation, the report recommends that parents not allow their children under the age of 18 to use mobile phones except in emergencies, or to sleep with cellular phones under their pillows. It recommends using corded land lines whenever possible, and using cellular phones mostly as answering machines, turning them on only to check messages and return calls. Use of cell phones inside buildings or in cars increases cancer risk, as it increases the radiation a phone must emit to function. Use of text messages and non-wireless headsets can reduce cancer risk. The report also advises against carrying cell phones against the body, even in pockets.

"Some countries are already banning cell phones over health concerns, with France saying children in elementary schools can only use them for texting," Morgan said.

The report also sets out 11 flaws in the forthcoming Interphone study, a study on cell phones and health being prepared by the wireless industry in 13 different countries. These flaws include the exclusion of non-cellular cordless phones (which also emit radiation), children and young adults (the most vulnerable demographics) from the study, the exclusion of certain types of tumors, and the exclusion of participants who died or were too sick to answer questions.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Special Gifts 4 Women

Sometimes it becomes very difficult to select a gift for a woman or a girl. When you want to give something special to the special lady in your life, why not give them unique gifts for women. The usual chocolates, perfumes and roses aren’t unique. When you give unique gifts to women, you show them your appreciation and love. Of course, sometimes the gifts can set you back by a couple of hundred dollars but if your lady likes them then they are worth the money that you have spent.

A Crystal accessories set for Desk

Career women would definitely appreciate this gift. In fact, this sets her apart from her office colleagues. Every time she picks up the stapler, it reminds her of you. Now that is some way to shine into your women’s heart, isn’t it? The sets start from $130 on wards. Choose the colors or order the sets online.

ipod cases and key chains

Normally Girls are very touchy about their ipod.Let her ipod be encased in designer leather from high-end designer brands such as Aigner. Gift her special leather and suede ipod cases that can keep her ipod free from scratches resistant and also make it stylish. This way you will always be music to her ears. Or how about a studded swarosvski studded ipod case. Let her bling and shine through her music. The ipod cases come with clip attachment so that it can be fitted to your trousers easily. Along with the ipod you can also include a key chain to complete the set. These sets are expensive and start around $250.

Potpourri and towel set

Women like to receive unique gifts for women. For this you can gift your special lady with potpourri and a towel set. With different fragrance, they sure can set the mood for something special. What’s more, you can also gift her the essential oils. These aromatic oils come in various perfumes such as jasmine and lavender and are also soothing on the nerves. They help to calm down the frayed nerves as well.

Specially monogrammed towel and bathrobe set also are great unique gifts for women. Gift her unique Egyptian cotton towel set that will make her to feel luxurious. Why not gift her “him and her” towel set and see her blush. It can sure turn your sex live into a heady one.

Holder plates

These wine holder plates are a clever idea for a small party where you can hold your plate and the wine glass in the same hand instead of holding them in two hands, leaving your other hand free for other naughty pursuits. Surely the hostess would greatly appreciate such unique gifts for women.
There may be more things to gift.
Monogrammed and picture mugs aren’t extremely unique but they sure give a great message to the women that you love in your life.

Lap Top Bags For Women

Today women are very fast in fashion. With more and more women zooming up the corporate ladder and traveling too, the women’s laptop bag has become a necessity. But these bags need not be the boring old black and tan laptop bags. In fact, with a whole new range of colors and materials that are available, women can make a fashion statement with their laptop bags during the presentation in any meeting.

According to their choices and personality a girl can chose a bag for her laptop. The women’s laptop bag is designed to fit in not only the laptop but all other essential elements such as loose change, a change of clothes, zipper and pen pockets and compartments for lipsticks etc. They also come with a back pocket that can easily accommodate all the files that the working women need. The women’s laptop bags usually come with inner and outer water repellant finish so that your laptop is well-protected against water. Some of the laptop bags are even quilted and have embedded sequins to make a great fashion statement. You need to determine the size of your laptop before you go out to a mall to buy the women’s laptop bag.

Another variation for the women’s laptop bag is the laptop tote. This is designed just like the tote bag and has separate shoulder straps too. It has a full zipper compartment and can accommodate your laptop, files and other miscellaneous things easily. They also have comfort padded handles and drawstrings. They look just like tote bags that many women like to carry.

Leather women’s laptop bag is of course used by most women who go to work. They are sturdy and they come in a number of finishes and colors and these can also be used by men. Given the vibrant color preferences that women have, these laptop bags are found in a wide variety of options including tartan and quilted finishes.

Those who do not like to carry their laptops on their back or shoulders can also use the rolling women’s laptop bag. Essentially they come with wheels and handles to pull along as they make their way from one destination to another. They are very convenient and are a great though for those aching and sore shoulder and back muscles. They are more expensive than the regular laptop bags and the price usually starts at $200. They have a huge amount of space and have enough pockets for carrying stuff for the daytrip.

Finally, there are women’s laptop bags that are airport security friendly. These laptop bags have been tested and approved for TSA guidelines for onboard luggage. They have a number of pockets to keep all the files, PDA, cell phones, knick knacks and are usually made of durable polyester. This makes them less susceptible to wear and tear.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Solar Energy for your House

What is the first step you should take when looking into solar?

Your first objective when considering solar alternatives is to understand how much electricity you use, what you are using it for and when you are using it.

  • Pull out your electricity bills. What has your kWh usage been for each of the last twelve months? How much are you paying for electricity? What rate plan are you on? This information is critical to conservation, energy efficiency efforts and to proper sizing of a solar electric system.
  • Do an energy efficiency audit. Many power companies offer this service for free. PG&E offers free energy audits to its customers online at You can check with your local provider to see if this service is available for your property.
  • Print out the audit results. If you do decide to go solar, a copy of the audit will need to be submitted with your solar rebate application.

Why does it matter when you use most of my energy?

  • You receive a credit for the electricity that you feed to the grid. A solar electric system that is tied to the electrical grid feeds electricity into the grid when the system generates more electricity than you use. . You can then draw on electricity from the grid using the credits. Your electrical use is calculated over a twelve month true up period. This is called “net metering”.
  • Take advantage of lower electrical rates during "Peak Usage" times. PG&E offers several Time of Use (TOU) rates for which it charges more for electricity during peak hours occurring weekday afternoons, and less for electricity during off peak hours. TOU metering often works well with solar electric systems. These systems generate electricity during peak times crediting the homeowners account at the higher rates. If the homeowner uses most of her electricity during off peak hours, she then draws against those credits at the lower rates, allowing her to use more electricity than her system generated because she is using it at times when the rates are cheaper. If you are home and using power during the afternoon, investigate different rate schedules.

A solar contractor can help you determine which rate schedule is best for your electricity usage patterns.

Is my home a good place for a solar electric system?

Shading, roof orientation, the amount of space on a roof and the quality of the roof are all factors which need to be considered.

  • You want to install a solar electric system in a location which is free from shading. Shading is a significant factor. A fairly small amount of shade on one panel can greatly affect the production of each panel that the shaded panel is electrically connected with (similar to how a kink in a hose slows down the flow through the rest of the hose). Ideally, you should have unobstructed sun from at least 9am-3pm.
  • Ideally, a solar electric system should be placed on a roof which is oriented south or west. Roof orientation and the angle of the solar electric system will affect the amount of electricity your system produces, and are factors considered in calculating your state rebate.
  • Make sure your roof is in good condition. Solar panels have performance warranties for twenty-five years and systems can last much longer. You don’t want to have to take the system down to fix the roof. Oftentimes, you’ll want to reroof at the time you put a solar system up.

A solar installer will come out to your home to do a site analysis and will take each of these factors into consideration when providing you with a proposal of a system size, the system’s estimated performance and installation cost.

Solar Electric System Installation Basics

How does a solar electric (photovoltaic) system work?

Simply put, photovoltaics (PV) work by converting light energy into electrical energy. The PV cells consist of a positive and a negative slice of silicon placed under a thin slice of glass. As the protons of the sunlight beat down onto the photovoltaic cell they knock the neutrons off the silicon. The negatively-charged free neutrons are attracted to the silicon but are trapped by the magnetic field that is formed from the opposing fields. Small wires on the silicon catch these neutrons and when connected in a circuit an electric current is formed.

For greater detail:

  • PG&E description of a grid-tied system

What does installation entail?

The installation process is fairly straightforward. The equipment used varies by roof type and installation company but the universal components are the panels, a support structure for the panels, an inverter, electrical pipe called conduit, and AC/DC disconnect switches. As with anything in the construction industry, each installation is unique, but we have provided a generic example.

On the roof:

  • Posts called stand-offs are lag-bolted into your roof’s supports beams (flashings and sealants are used to protect any roof penetrations)
  • Racking is attached to the standoffs in rows.
  • The solar panels are positioned and bolted to the racking.
  • Panels are wired together and connected to wiring that runs down to the inverter in conduit pipe (depending on your situation, the conduit may go through the attic or on the outside of your home).

Ground floor:

  • An inverter that converts the DC power from the panels into AC power for your residential use is mounted (typically in your garage or on an outside wall in a relatively shady position).

**If required by your city, a disconnect switch is mounted near the inverter.

  • Wires from the roof go into the inverter, then to your main electrical panel or subpanel.
  • System is turned on and net-metering begins.

How long will installation take and do I have to be home?

A typical residential installation should take 2-5 days and you do not necessarily need to be home as long as the installation crew has the necessary access.

How big of a system will I need?

  • First determine what portion of your current electrical needs you would like your system to meet. Typically homeowners choose to cover 50-85% of their total electrical bill.
  • Give a reputable solar company your electric bills. They will use their analysis tools to provide you with a proposed system and corresponding financial analysis and they will take other considerations (such as roof area) into account as well.
  • Consider any expected decreases/increases in your electrical usage (i.e. a child moving away from home, spa installation, etc.).

How long will my system last?

Nearly all solar panels are guaranteed to produce for 25 years and most inverters have a 10 year warranty. This can vary however and is something you should talk to your installer about. Even though most inverters will exceed their warranted 10 years of use, you should expect to replace the inverter during the life of the system (price range: $1,500 - $4,000).

The Benefits of Going Solar

The environmental benefits

The environmental benefits of solar electricity are many. Most basically you:

  • Reduce your dependence on foreign oil imports
  • Reduce your contributions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
  • Reduce local air pollution
Other than it you may think many more benefits if you are living in a crises of power.

Solar Cars in Future

As fuels are running out rapidly from our earth , so we are in need of alternative to it. Solar cars have been around for a while, but mostly as novelties or the products of futuristic science competitions. The knowledge gained from these experiments is now being put to broader use as populations try to wean themselves from fossil fuels. Consumers are looking for alternatives and, as photovoltaic cells become more efficient, solar cars are creeping into the marketplace.

How do Solar Cars Work?

Solar cars are powered by photovoltaic cells, a.k.a. solar cells, a.k.a. PV cells. These cells are built from semiconducting material such as silicon. Silicon reacts with sunlight by releasing electrons. The motion of the electrons creates an electrical current. This is the "photovoltaic effect." This effect is used.

Solar cars simply harnessing the electricity from the PV cells (which are linked together to form an "array") and using it to power the motor. It sounds too simple, but that's really it at this point; just have a look at the world's first solar car available for purchase anywhere (China).

Sounds great, especially if you live in a sunny climate. But as you might guess, PV cells are not very efficient. The semiconducting material does not absorb a high percentage of solar radiation (much is reflected or passed through) and 20% is a high number for solar cell efficiency. This is why most of the solar cars that you see in competitions or at auto shows look like their primary function is to maximize surface area for solar cell placement.

Still, as researchers develop more efficient solar cells, the sun-powered car is becoming more present reality than future dream. Not only is the technology changing, so is the social climate. "Big Oil," and "Utility Companies" are no longer regarded as human-engineered marvels that make our lives easy. This paves the way for solar cars, particularly autonomous autos.

As Hermann Scheer muses in The Solar Economy, "Solar power... only reaches its optimum potential within a decentralized structure, and it is this technological consideration that makes decentralization necessary... this means moving from the idea of third-party supply to the autonomous generation of power."

No car manufacturer is more in touch with this idea than France's Venturi. Venturi has developed a tribrid car that runs on solar, wind and c

Solar cars simply harnessing the electricity from the PV cells (which are linked together to form an "array") and using it to power the motor. It sounds too simple, but that's really it at this point; just have a look at the world's first solar car available for purchase anywhere (China).

Sounds great, especially if you live in a sunny climate. But as you might guess, PV cells are not very efficient. The semiconducting material does not absorb a high percentage of solar radiation (much is reflected or passed through) and 20% is a high number for solar cell efficiency. This is why most of the solar cars that you see in competitions or at auto shows look like their primary function is to maximize surface area for solar cell placement.

Still, as researchers develop more efficient solar cells, the sun-powered car is becoming more present reality than future dream. Not only is the technology changing, so is the social climate. "Big Oil," and "Utility Companies" are no longer regarded as human-engineered marvels that make our lives easy. This paves the way for solar cars, particularly autonomous autos.

As Hermann Scheer muses in The Solar Economy, "Solar power... only reaches its optimum potential within a decentralized structure, and it is this technological consideration that makes decentralization necessary... this means moving from the idea of third-party supply to the autonomous generation of power."

No car manufacturer is more in touch with this idea than France's Venturi. Venturi has developed a tribrid car that runs on solar, wind and can be plugged in to outlet if necessary. The first version caused quite a stir when it debuted at the 2006 Paris Auto show. Now it's almost ready for production, which supports Scheer's thesis of decentralization's importance to the implementation of solar technology.

For all of its space-age ideals, the technology behind the Venturi is hardly new. Solar panels on the roof? You've seen that before. A wind turbine? Older than Don Quijote but this one is detachable (you can bust it out on windy days and charge the car). A rechargeable battery? That's probably the most advanced component of the lot, yet it's the least innovative in its automotive application.

Solar power... only reaches its optimum potential within a decentralized structure, and it is this technological consideration that makes decentralization necessary... this means moving from the idea of third-party supply to the autonomous generation of power..." -- Hermann Scheer, The Solar Economy

an be plugged in to outlet if necessary. The first version caused quite a stir when it debuted at the 2006 Paris Auto show. Now it's almost ready for production, which supports Scheer's thesis of decentralization's importance to the implementation of solar technology.

For all of its space-age ideals, the technology behind the Venturi is hardly new. Solar panels on the roof? You've seen that before. A wind turbine? Older than Don Quijote but this one is detachable (you can bust it out on windy days and charge the car). A rechargeable battery? That's probably the most advanced component of the lot, yet it's the least innovative in its automotive application.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Gold He Gold

LONDON: The European single currency hit a near 7-month dollar high on Friday on expectations of more US stimulus spending, in turn pushing gold to a fresh record, dealers said.

At about 09:35 GMT, the euro struck $1.3764, the highest level since March 17 and compared with $1.3634 in New York late Thursday. The faltering dollar pushed gold to a record $1,317.42 per ounce on the London Bullion Market.

“The economic data out of Europe has been fairly uninspiring this morning and the sovereign debt issues are still bubbling away,” said GFT analyst David Morrison.

“Consequently, it’s probably fair to say that it’s the expectation of further quantitative easing [QE] from the US Federal Reserve that continues to undermine the dollar and lift the single currency.” The dollar has faced strong selling pressure since the US central bank hinted last month at more stimulus spending if the tepid US economic recovery cools further.

Morrison noted that “QE involves the creation of new dollars by the Federal Reserve, which are introduced into the system through the purchase of Treasuries [bonds], mortgage-backed securities and perhaps other assets.

“By creating these fresh dollars, the Fed dilutes the purchasing power of the existing dollars, devaluing the currency.”

Gold jumped meanwhile on the back of the weak US unit, which makes the dollar-priced metal cheaper for buyers using stronger currencies and so tends to stimulate demand and prices.

Organo Gold started a full time business in Sept 2008 and did a pre-launch a year ago. This company makes many products among which is the King of Herbs, the Ganoderma. The company produces coffee which is the primary product. There are many companies that produce coffee so what gives Organo Gold an edge? Organo Gold has a good management, the CEO has over 10 years of direct sales experience. In his previous company in the Philippines, he built a 500,000 member organization. Out of 1,600 different companies in the Pacific Rim, his company was named Direct Sales Company of the Year 3 times in a row.

As it is mentioned, the company has many products to offer to the community such as Coffee, Tea and Hot Chocolate with 100% Organic Ganoderma, Ganoderma Lucidum capsules, Ganoderma Spore Powder, Ganoderma Mycellium, Nutraceuticals, Skin Care and more to come. Ganoderma builds your immune system, oxygenates your body, boost stamina and provides your body with over 150 all natural antioxidants to fight free radicals. Comparatively a glass of orange juice has only 7 antioxidants.

Therefore Organo Gold are offering great value products to the people.

With regards to their financial strength, Organo Gold is debt free and even though this is a start-up company, the sales are reaching 1 million dollars per month.

In regards to its compensation plan, there are seven ways to get paid:Retail Sales paid daily, Fast Track Bonus paid weekly, Duel Team Bonus paid weekly, Unilevel Bonus paid monthly, Unilevel Matching Bonus paid monthly, Generational Bonus paid monthly and Global Pool paid quarterly. It seems like that Organo Gold compensation plan is an openhanded one.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Methods of Promoting Your Job Skills To Get The Best Job

Many times a deserving candidate a rejected when interviewing for a job. It happens quite often that the most deserving candidate with all correct combination of skills and abilities fails to grab the best job. It may very well have happened with you in the past. Weren’t you perplexed and scratched every corner of your head to come out with an answer to that? You will be surprised to know that the solution was there right beside you and was screaming at you to get noticed. It is a small mistake in your resume that we are talking about – not promoting your job skills.

Promote your job skills with success: Key 1

While preparing a resume most people commit the error of not or under-promoting the skill set they possess for a particular job. It may appear to be a tiny mistake to the ones with huge work experience or excellent academic records, but to an employer skills of a person are what matters the most. Hence, make sure you have first gone through the exact job requirements. This would help you to understand, where you fit in. This understanding is of utmost importance while preparing a resume.

Promoting your job skills with success: Key 2

Job skills differ from people to people, but the interesting thing is that their priority also differs from job to job and organization to organization. Putting in simple words, a particular skill may be the top most priority for Company A, but may be a secondary requirement for Company B. So be careful while you promote job skills you possess. The relevant skill should always take the first place and maximum space. This would ensure that you stand out of the clutter.

Promoting your job skills with success: Key 3

Many people deem updating their resume as a mere waste of time. However, this not only gives out a wrong impression but would also harm their chances of getting a job. With time try to increase skills in you kitty and make sure the same reflects in your resume or cover letter or interview. Every employer looks for an evolved person, whose learning curves show a rise. For this reason, as you get experienced and have increase your skills, you should let people know about that.

Many people dream for a good job. Getting a dream job is a combination of being at the right place, at the right time with a right attitude. Everything about you should reflect just one proposition, that you are the best person for the job. To make sure this happens, promoting your job skills holds extreme importance. In a way, it is like the secret key to the plush corner cabin and the six-figure pay package that you have dream t throughout your life. It may make your life more easier.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Effective Communication

If it is something about communication then it must be the effective one. No one wants to cast his pearls before swine. One Japanese word for 'listen' sketches a picture with a powerful lesson. It is a combination of the symbols for two words: 'gateway' and 'ear'. Using that mental image of words clothed in all their meaning just slipping through the gate and into the ear is a vivid illustration of effective listening to understand. First of all let us identify some common barriers to listing, as listening is the first step towards understanding.

Identify Common Barriers to Listening

They may not be tangible barriers. They may exist in your personality. These barriers are like garbage left lying in the gateway to the ear, blocking the entrance of the spirit and intent of the words that are being spoken. Following are some examples of these barriers to listening that inhibit true understanding of the message.

  • Mental drift. This is just-pretend listening that covers up daydreaming or preoccupation with something else.
  • Biases. Personal prejudices and feelings affect the integrity of responses.
  • Arrogance. A know-it-all attitude of superiority overlays effective listening.
  • Resistance. There is a reluctance to hear what the other person is saying; e.g. constructive criticism, alternative ideas.
  • Listening to reply. Rather than trying to understand what s/he is hearing, the listener is simply waiting for a pause in the conversation in order to speak.
  • Looking around. The listener is not focusing on the speaker so misses the body language that communicates so much of the message.
  • Interruptions. The listener either allows or initiates interruptions to the flow of the conversation.
  • Lack of time. The culture of a fast-forward world influences even important conversations.

First Eliminate Barriers to Listening

Although it may be difficult to eliminate those barriers but if someone tries then he may do this. The listener has to clear out that garbage in the gateway. Here are some common indicators that show the listener respects the speaker and really does want to listen to understand.

  • Quiet space. A serious conversation requires a private, comfortable space without audio and visual distractions.
  • No interruptions. The listener should encourage the other person to talk until s/he is quite finished the thought.
  • No assumptions. It is important the listener does not anticipate or assume what the speaker wants to communicate.
  • An open mind. The listener recognizes biases and leaves them outside the communication.
  • Clarity of language. The listener needs to be tuned into the speaker's vocabulary and ask questions if the meaning is not clear.
  • Acknowledge body language. The listener should be able to interpret the other person's body language. Is it consistent with the words being spoken? Are there messages of discomfort, enthusiasm, concern, or any other feeling that either complement or contradict the words being spoken?
  • Reflective feedback. The listener should be able to summarize the key messages of the speaker and feed them back in a tone of voice that is not challenging or judgmental, simply matter-of-fact. It can be as simple as saying, "So, I am hearing you say that you would prefer not to work on the Dixon account because of a perceived conflict of interest." Such a statement gives the speaker opportunity to confirm or correct your understanding of the message.
In this way you may achieve your goal of effective listening.

Things Wanted by Employees The Most

It should come as no surprise, though, that the most successful businesses are the ones that work the hardest to please their employees, and it's up to managers to make sure they're giving their staffs what they want to the best of their abilities.

There are few things employees want that will help you keep them on board.

i) Purpose. Don't assume that a hefty paycheck and regular bonuses are the most important things to your employees. They, like you, want to know that what they're doing on a daily basis has some purpose behind it. "What people want most is the chance to make a difference," says Alexander Hiam, the Massachusetts-based author of Business Innovation For Dummies. "When you have a chance to have your ideas heard and one of them actually gets implemented, it's such a boost."

ii) Goals.
To instill a sense of purpose in your employees, be sure to lay out a clearly-defined set of goals for them on a regular basis. At Meddius, Gunther's team of managers re-aligns each department's goals every three months. "The goals have to be very measurable, obtainable goals," Gunther says. For the sales team, for example, that might mean setting a goal as to the number of deals the team is expected to close in a certain period of time for a certain dollar amount. Once goals are in place, it is up to each team to decide how to achieve them.

iii) Responsibilities. Sometimes the hardest part of being a manager is delegating, but employees crave your trust, and with that trust, should come responsibility. "People are so busy and harried themselves that all they do is work, they don't really manage," Hiam says. "Ask people if there are more things they can do, and then you can catch your breath and be a manager."

iv) Autonomy. Take it from Gunther, giving your employees freedom over how they work can actually make them more productive. Unless you're managing an assembly line, give your employees the freedom to work in a way that works for them. Daniel Pink, the Washington D.C.-based author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, says, "Let people figure out the best paths to the goal, rather than breathe down their necks all the time."

v) Flexibility. In addition to deciding how they work, the experts say employees also appreciate having a say over when they work. Gunther has, of course, set up a radically flexible schedule for his employees that might not work for every office. But, he says, it has enabled him to find and retain top talent for Meddius. "We've had people who have taken significant pay cuts to work for us, because at their old job they were told to show up and be at the office between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.," he says. "Generation Y is looking for a synergy between their personal lives and their professional lives." Set up a flexible vacation policy or a telecommuting policy that enables employees to work from home. It involves a great deal of trust, but, as Pink says, "If you don't trust your employees, you've got much bigger problems."

vi) Attention. Just because you're giving employees the control they crave doesn't mean they don't want guidance and feedback. Hiam suggests checking in with them every few weeks, even if it's just for a minute or two. "Look them in the eye and ask how things are going. Find out what's really going on in their world," he suggests. "Responsibility is about giving them a chance to make a difference, but attention is the human dimension of managing." And don't be fooled into thinking that the traditional annual performance review is your big chance to tell your employees what's working and what's not. In Pink's words, "There's no way to get better at something you only hear about once a year." That's why, at Meddius, Gunther uses the year-end to make decisions about promoting employees, and uses the quarterly meetings where goals are set, to address big operational issues within each department.

vii) Opportunities for Innovation. Not long ago, Google announced its 20 percent creative time policy, which encourages employees to work on any innovative ideas they have that are company-related during 20 percent of their hours at work. Both Hiam and Pink applaud this concept. "People need to be given a chance to bring about something new and exciting," Hiam says. "Just asking people for ideas doesn't create innovation. It's a culmination of creativity and leadership." Though you might not be able to give your employees this much time on the clock to work on side projects, you can always foster innovation through employee brainstorming sessions that allow the staff to work with new people and generate fresh ideas.

viii) Open-mindedness. When your employees come to you with their ideas, you need to treat them with equal parts sensitivity and honesty. Be sensitive because, according to Hiam, the more an employee gets shot down by an authority figure, the less likely he or she will be to make suggestions in the future. It's also important to be honest because, as that authority figure, you may know what's best for your business and what's not. You don't have to accept every idea that comes your way, but, Hiam says, "Don't just shut someone down. Say, 'Here's what I know: years ago we tried something similar. Here's what happened. Give some more thought to your idea, and come back if you think you can make it work.'

ix) Transparency. When Meddius publishes each department's quarterly goals, Gunther does it as well, not because he needs reminding, but because he believes his employees should be cognizant of where the organization's going. "Employees, especially the younger work force, want transparency," he says. While it's not necessary to publish that information, Hiam emphasizes that the communication channel between a manager and his or her employees should always be open. "That's why you need to build it by talking about ordinary everyday things," he says. "You need to have rehearsed talking about ordinary things before you can talk about anything major."

x) Compensation. Your employees do need to provide for themselves and their families, so, of course, salaries, bonuses and benefits are important, but perhaps not in the way you might think. Pink's research on what motivates employees has led him to one conclusion: "The best use of money as a motivator is to pay people enough to take the issue of money off the table." He says it's better to pay people a little more than the norm and allow them to focus on their work than to pay them based on performance. "Don't pay people a measly base salary and very high commissions and bonuses in hopes that the fear of not having enough food on their tables will inspire them to do extraordinary things." The way Gunther has employed this strategy is by providing his employees with full health care benefits at no cost, so they can rest assured that their families are fully protected. "It's a huge expense, but to employees, it's really valuable."

xi) Friendly Environment. This may also be a demand of employee to work in a friendly environment for constructive work. Most of the time they may not get this but many employers do not know its importance.

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Finding the most appropriate and fully licensed moving companies can be a complicated procedure. It involves research, and time you just don't have right now. Face it; we all have busy lives, and spending hours gathering information on ten different moving companies can take weeks. In just a few clicks, 123 Movers will put you in contact with the Movers that know your area and have the expertise to complete your relocation on time and within your budget. The Moving Companies you'll receive information from have been pre-screened for full compliance with State and Federal regulations and have the required insurance to perform your move.
The first thing to consider is definitely safety. The worst thing that you could do is to bring a company into your house that is not going to ensure the protection of you, your family and your items. There are companies that are specially trained to take care of their work in a safe and efficient manner. By looking into a company that is known for their safety you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

The next thing to consider when making your decision on which moving and storage company is right for you is their longevity. There is a certain reliability in those companies that have managed to stick around. There are of course some companies that manage to continue on despite their issues, but generally a company builds a reputation of trust over time. Find a company that is established and will certainly come through with their promises.

The next thing to consider when choosing which moving and storage companies are right for you is the price of service. There are many companies out there that over charge or add extra charges. Meanwhile, other fine companies out there will keep their prices at a fair rate. They will even do this while adding extra services at time.

The first thing to do when seeking a fair price is to find moving and storage company that assure you that they can provide a free in-home estimate. This can be a very useful tool in understanding what type of job you have before you. By finding moving and storage companies that do the estimate for free you will be able to save money on that aspect of the move as well.

There are many things which must be understood . Some moving and storage companies have a feature referred to as a ?TPG." A ?TPG" refers to a total price guarantee. These moving and storage companies ensure their customers that the price will not exceed the amount promised in the guarantee. So no matter which company you choose just use the best judgment and make sure to research them before you decide. A right decision can proved to be a better move.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Shape Your Small Business In Easy Steps

The small business owners normally try to get a boost for their business or sometimes they need a shape to attract customers. They may have many choices if they have some knowledge about trends in the public at large. While social media was building up steam in previous years, it pretty much went mainstream this past year. In fact, many businesses became fatigued from hearing so much about Twitter, Facebook, and social media in general. This may be an alarming situation.

As the hype settled and people began to understand how to use and integrate these new platforms, more change was brewing. The evolution that was social media in 2009 set the table for the realization of some significant trends to bubble up into the world of small business in 2010.

The groundwork for some of these trends has been in place for years, but I think we will see small business owners finally start to embrace the following significant expansions in the New Year.

i)Information of Real time

At some point in 2010, all search results will consist of real-time information, scores, reviews, tweets and all, right there and up to the minute. We’re addicted to up to the minute connection and we want more. It’s kind of like the Meryl Streep line in Postcards from the Edge, “Instant gratification isn't fast enough.”

Most everything we do will be instant. Google Wave wants to introduce real-time collaboration.

An iPhone app called Shazam will tell me the name of the song playing on a coffee shop stereo right now. Oh, and I can buy it on iTunes, right now too.

Another, called Red Laser, will tell me where to get an item from a photo. It will also give me the best price available for the item anywhere, right now, from a bar code scan.

ii)Finding Location

Imagine standing on a hill overlooking the downtown skyline and pointing the camera on your phone in any direction and getting a full tour of what you are looking at, including restaurant recommendations from friends in your favorite social network.

Walk into a museum, plug in your headphones and point your phone at a painting or sculpture. Then, read about it while a video interview from an expert on the artist loads.

Augmented reality and location aware services have been around for a while. Now that Facebook and Twitter are starting to play with geo-location for tweets and update, enabled by the GPS technology on most every new phone, look out, it’s going to tip.

Location sharing services like Foursquare, Loopt and Google Latitude, are already receiving mainstream media mention. It won’t be long before every rating and review site, such as Yelp! and Insider Pages, build this into the foundation and push coupons and discounts out to you based on location.

Anywhere you go you will be able to locate friends nearby or the location of every Twitter follower in a city you are visiting.

Your location, or that of your customers and prospects, will become another data point in the marketing mix.

iii)Get Social Filtering

Having access to vast amounts of information in real-time and the stores of data from throughout history are both a good thing and a bit of a curse. While we can now find the answer to just about any query, we are pummeled with so much information that we cannot sift through the good and bad and true and false.

Filtering and aggregating information became a valuable skill in the last few years as tools like RSS readers and search alerts allowed us to subscribe to and collect the information we wanted to read most.

I believe in the coming year another layer of filtering will become just as important as search engine optimization. Look to see search results peppered with recommendations from our social contacts.

When you search for the best attorney in town, a good movie or the best place to get some authentic TexMex, not only will you see the organic search results earned through Google’s algorithm, you’ll also see what your friend Jimmy had to say about such things.

Social search has the ability to eclipse the value of traditional SEO efforts. As more and more information is added to your social graph, I believe recommendations from trusted sources in your networks will carry significantly more impact in some cases than the results that reach the top spots in organic search.

iv) Desktop Applications

Will desktop applications and computing become a thing of the past? While not completely, 2010 looks like the year that small businesses will truly embrace applications that exist online only.

Entire software suites such as Google Apps and Microsoft Office Live will finally allow document, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software to function as Internet applications at greatly reduced costs and ultimate real time collaboration.

File sharing and storage, including total file backup from tools like Dropbox and Mozy, will become standard in the small business toolbox.

Project, task, scheduling and collaboration of all manners have made a dramatic move to the web with tools like CentralDesktop and Backpack, as remote workers and a global supply chain have dictated. Look for these kinds of tools to be routinely used as client service tools that eliminate the need to drive a few blocks to consult.

Online meeting tools like GoToMeeting, WebEx and even Skype, with video, will continue to allow people to connect in richer ways online.

The sacred cow of the desktop, financial data will finally move online completely as QuickBooks Online. Tools like Freshbooks make it very easy to do bookkeeping online while providing secure access for financial employees and outside accounting resources.

v) Greatest Leverage

While the entire focus of this article to this point has been about changes online, the mantra for 2010 will be the convergence of online and offline for the greatest leverage.

No matter how wired we get as a society and business, there will always be a need for face to fact trust, building engagement. Now that small businesses have moved more online, the smart play will be to find the best ways to fuse the online and offline activates in ways that make the return on both even greater.

While LinkedIn and Facebook may be great places to find prospects and create awareness, they are not always the best platforms to build relationships deep enough to create a sale.

Using these platforms to create awareness for content that resides on your web site or to drive people to events where they can learn and network in person, will become an essential part of the marketing process.

In addition, using online tools such as Twitter and Biznik to further facilitate existing in person relationships, will become another tool that small businesses will add to their competitive arsenal. Now when a member of your sales team meets a prospect at a Chamber of Commerce function, they may follow them on Twitter and invite them to connect on LinkedIn as a matter of process and as a way to more easily communicate, refer and connect, all apart of the trust building cycle.

Elements of these trends have been brewing for some time and adoption of any trend generally happens over time and almost immeasurably.You may take more steps in addition to the above. However, now is the time to analyze the impact these ideas may have on your business this year and into the future.